Aktivist*innen gesucht – erhebe deine Stimme für alle Tiere! Mehr Infos


Become for all animals!

Are you vegan?

It’s great that you’ve decided to stop supporting the suffering of animals! Do you also want to open other people’s eyes and ears? Do you want to make them aware of their own responsibility towards sentient beings? The animals cannot raise their voices for themselves. That’s why it’s so important that we make their suffering visible. Do it for her too!

Are you in?

If you can identify with our values, you are cordially invited to contact us and then join us in one of our next campaigns. If you would like, we can also arrange an appointment to get to know each other beforehand. Do you have other questions or concerns that are holding you back from activism? Don’t hesitate to contact us too!

Every voice contributes to the animals being heard more.

We come together before and after each event.